PKM WNW Project Example This article starts walking through and example of How I use my Where Not What Second Brain.
WNW WNW - Progressive Summarization How progressive summarization can help your notes become more valuable over time.
PKM Where Not What - Start Here This is the best place to start to learn more about my Where Not What System.
WNW WNW - A Look at the Zettlekasten Method This post takes a look at how I implement the Zettlekasten method for linking your thinking.
Personal Knowledge Management WNW - Two Kinds of Brains How PARA and Zettlekasten compare and fit for me.
PKM Time, Tasks, & Things The tools for juggling time, tasks, and the "things" that make up our daily lives.
PlayingTogether We Aim at What We Talk About The words we use to describe our goals shape how we achieve them.
PlayingTogether The Gamers Are Coming The companies that have a strategy to develop the generation of people who have never been on a team will capture an enormous advantage.
TeamCraft Create Team Engagement by Playing Together A new breed of engaging cooperative video games can help your team work together better, because they get to practice achieving a common goal.
Personal Knowledge Management Life Balance: Roles > Goals In our goal obsessed culture, elevating the roles we play can help restore work life balance.
PKM USING ZETTLEKASTEN UNIQUE NOTE NUMBERS Using Zettlekasten numbers to make your file names unique opens the door to linking your thinking in powerful ways. In this article I share the method and a template I use.
Personal Knowledge Management Think GRIT Instead of organizing files by type Think GRIT - Goals, Roles, Interests, and Treasures. This handy acronym can help guide how you organize your work for outcome.
Journaling A ReMarkable Way to Take Notes My go to digital / analog note taking system: the reMarkable tablet. Start With a Daily Note 💎 Begin keeping a daily note to harness the power of a personal knowledge management system. 🤔 Why it Matters: People get overwhelmed at the idea of organizing EVERYTHING. Starting with a daily note lets' you begin by organizing a few things, and build the habit of capturing, then organizing, and
Games Try the Password Game The Key Idea Instead of turning to your phones at dinner, try playing a fun social game to create connection. Why It Matters Smart phones are brutally efficient at capturing and holding our attention. Â This causes relationships and conversation to suffer. Â Researcher Sherri Terkle has studied the devastating effects this
Journaling The Power of Digital Journaling Exploring Digital Systems and the Benefits of Notability Today, I want to delve into digital systems that mimic the experience of writing on paper. Â From a creativity standpoint, my personal favorite is Notability on the iPad. There's also a popular alternative called GoodNotes. As of now, there may
Journaling Capture Resonance with Sketchnoting Sketchnoting is another form of journaling that is fun and creative. Bring your notes to life with a few simple colors and some lines.
Journaling The Art of Bullet Journaling Bullet journaling offers a path between unstructured and structured journaling systems.
Journaling Structured Journals to Enhance Productivity and Gratitude Today I'm going to give a quick overview of two of my favorite structured journals.
Journaling Expressive Journaling Today, I want to introduce you to another form of journaling that goes beyond the surface level. This is a therapeutic practice that has personally helped me navigate difficult moments in my life. It's called Expressive Writing.
PKM Featured Getting Started with Obsidian If you want to start building a Second Brain with obsidian, you can start right here. Stop trying to remember everything. Know where to go, to find what you need to know.
Journaling Clear Your Mind With Morning Pages If you're new to journaling or looking for a simple starting point, let me introduce Julia Cameron's Morning Pages technique.
Obsidian Where Not What Why do you want to know about Personal Knowledge Management? Because it is much easier to remember one thing, than a million details. I call this philosophy, Where Not What. Because it helps me know the ONE place I where I need to go, to find out what I need to know.