LostInPlace Lost in Place - Week47 The start of a baseball coaching story - Sonny coaches little league.
LostInPlace Lost In Place is Back I recently felt motivated to share my webtoons on social media. For my own sanity, I also decided to archive them here on my blog.
Obsidian Discovering HEART Roles What balances SMART goals? HEART goals. In this blog post I outline the five questions you want to answer to start defining your roles.
Obsidian Automating Daily Notes in Obsidian with Templater In this article I dig into the templates I use with Templater for creating useful daily notes in Obsidian.
Personal Knowledge Management Real Life Example: Building a New Game Let me give you a real life example of how having a digital second brain helped me develop a new product, author a book, and create a groundbreaking team workshop.
Personal Knowledge Management The Origin of Where Not What How did I actually get into building a second brain? It didn't start with a desire to be more productive, it started with an idea to make better use of what I was learning.
Personal Knowledge Management Where Not What Resource Summary for EO Atlanta (and everyone else too) A list of resources for my Where Not What Talk.
HOG Day 22 - From Backwoods Wisconsin to Sioux Falls South Dakota Cutting across the Midwest to close the gap and get close to Sturgis. I need to meet up with my friends tomorrow.
HOG Day 21 - Small Town America To the Rescue Start the day with a load of optimism... and a dead battery. But thanks to small town America I get back on the road in no time.
HOG Day 20 - The Tunnel of Trees This is my best riding day ever. I visit Fishtown, Travese City and the Tunnel of Trees.
HOG Day 16 - Greenfield Village Today we spend the day at Greenfield Village reliving America's industrial revolutionary past.
HOG Day 15 - Work A catchup day with Alice the dog, and evening on the porch whittle bears. This is one of the most productive relaxing days I've had in a long time.
HOG Day 13 - A Change In Plans After leaving Mackinac Island, I don't travel far. I stay in the Northwind Motel, a motor hotel (motel) that looks like it was built in the 1920s. It probably was. It is the cheapest place I have paid to stay so far. It's small, made entirely
HOG Day 8 - Lake Minnetonka Lake Minnetonka - what a great party scene on the waters of Minnesotas most famous lake.